Sadly, these days a professional assessment of threats and your vulnerability to them is absolutely vital before you embark upon international travel. Many of the largest global corporations have entire departments dedicated to this function
You have AOC.
A Travel Risk Assessment is a comprehensive report on a particular city, country, or destination that is the cornerstone of Travel Risk Management. The AOC difference is we do not have these reports sitting on shelves gathering dust. Our Advanced Travel Risk Assessment (ATRA) is a custom product created when needed by our clients, and specifically tailored to their needs.
The requirements for a senior executive heading to Paris for a week of work differ from those of tourists there on vacation. An NGO sending volunteers to South Sudan and a petroleum exploration company with employees in Russia each have entirely different requirements.
Each ATRA is prepared by AOC analysts only after consultation with the client. Detailed information is collected about each traveler to help identify potential exposure and vulnerabilities to the threat spectrum. Special needs are always taken into consideration. If travel plans are not yet solidified, AOC will make recommendations to help create a Smart Safe Itinerary.
Ideally, an Advanced Travel Risk Assessment should be commissioned well prior to locking in travel plans. Our report may convince you to:
· Avoid nonessential travel to certain areas
· Limit the number of people traveling
· Increase your security posture
· Proceed as planned, armed with essential information
When family or employee security is at stake, or multimillion dollar deals are on the line, it pays to have the most accurate, up to date information in hand. AOC provides this, making it more relevant to you because your input guided its creation.
At client request, AOC personnel are available to present our findings in person at your location. This offers a totally interactive experience, similar to government intelligence briefings.
Contact us today for a no cost, no obligation initial consultation:
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